sábado, 10 de abril de 2010


EVOL is a berlin based street artist that transforms banal urban surfaces, into miniature architectural
surfaces through pasting. using pasted paper, EVOL transforms electric boxes, small planters and other
geometric city forms, into miniature apartment buildings and other structures. each piece of paper is
printed with a repetitive pattern of flat gray walls dotted with plain window frames. once applied to
a surface, the paper transforms the form into small building that EVOL often adorns with small
characters. EVOL performs this process within different cities and has even been commissioned to
do installations in galleries, where he was created entire blocks of miniature buildings.



domingo, 4 de abril de 2010

luzinterruptus - Jardim para um Futuro não muito Distante

Uma intervenção com teor humoristico para a falta de espaçoes verdes nos grandes centros urbanos;
São pockets gardens iluminados com leds aderidos a uma parede.
O coletivo "luzinterruptus" tem sempre como matéria prima a luz, e atua a alguns anos nas ruas de Madrid.

Crítica, en tono humorístico a la falta de espacios verdes en las grandes urbes contemporáneas.

Con la instalación Jardín vertical envasado, queremos invitar a la preservación del verde urbano, ya que de seguir erradicando este color del espacio público o reduciéndolo a paramentos verticales inaccesibles, el único modo de tener contacto de la naturaleza, será en las cámaras frigoríficas de los supermercados, envasada y con fecha de caducidad.

Por lo general, resulta más cómodo para los planificadores y urbanistas, construir inhóspitos espacios de cemento en los que no es necesario un cuidado especial, que diseñar zonas verdes, en las que los ciudadanos puedan permanecer tiempo, disfrutando de los espacios comunes.

Además, hemos observado que cada vez más, proliferan los jardines verticales, interesantes decorativamente hablando, pero caros de mantener y con los que los ciudadanos no pueden interactuar y dar un uso real, quedando reducidos a un leve intento de poner algo de verde, pero de una manera demasiado artificial e inaccesible…

Para esa instalación utilizamos 110 envases transparentes de los usados en alimentación y metimos dentro hojas y ramas encontradas en árboles de la zona, y por supuesto luz interior. Después, los colocamos en el muro de una fea plaza del centro de Madrid y allí lo dejamos a modo de un jardín vertical de moda.

Las fotos están hechas, como siempre, por Gustavo Sanabria.

Tiempo de montaje: 3 horas.
Daños ocasionados: 0.
Permanencia de la intervención: ¿24 horas?.

VIA: luzinterruptus


Criticism, of a humorous tone, at the lack of green spaces in large contemporary cities.

With the installation Packaged vertical garden, we wanted to promote the preservation of urban greenery, because if we continue to eradicate it from public spaces or reducing it to inaccessible vertical faces, the only form of contact with nature will be in supermarket refrigerators, packaged with expiry dates.

In general, it is more comfortable for city planners to build inhospitable cement spaces, where there is no need for special care, than to design green spaces where the citizens can spend their time and enjoy public places.

In addition, we have noticed the increasing proliferation of vertical gardens, which are interesting decoratively speaking, but expensive to maintain and with which the citizens cannot interact or put to real use, being a minimal attempt at providing greenery, but in an inaccessible and artificial way…

For this installation we used 110 transparent food packaging containers, inside which we put leaves and branches found in the trees in the area and lights of course. Afterwards, we placed them on a wall in an ugly square in the center of Madrid and there we left our form of fashionable vertical garden.

The photos were taken, as always, by Gustavo Sanabria.

Time of installation: 3 hourss.
Damages: none.
Exhibition time: ¿24 hours?.

VIA: luzinterruptus